Hey everyone. Just wanted to give you all an update on where things are regarding Rambling Nerd, Supernatural Symposium (formerly Paranormal Peep Show), and just things in general.

To start with Supernatural Symposium – we are still on hiatus. Life kind of got in the way of recording the show for you all. I genuinely do miss doing it. For a little background on what was going on (if you are on our Discord server, you know all the tea). A few months ago we received a cease and desist email from a UK based radio network, claiming Paranormal Peep Show was violating their copyright. Turns out, we didn’t do enough research and this network did have a show titled Paranormal Peepshow. In order to avoid ruffling any feathers, we held a contest and changed our name to Supernatural Symposium. After complying with their request, we got another email asking us to join their network. Long story short, they were really impressed with our show. We went back and forth with those discussions but ultimately put the deal on pause. I am dealing with some health issues related to my nervous system. Taking advise (although I really didn’t want to), I put health first and put anything creative on pause so I could focus on my problems. That is where we are now. In retrospect, having a creative outlet, be it writing here or podcasting, was good for me. It really took my mind off of all the crazy shit that was going on and allowed me to do what I loved: create. The show is still on hiatus, but we would like to bring it back in the near future. 

So, until then (and hopefully for the foreseeable future), I’d like to just write blog posts. Taking the name from the site, Rambling Nerd, I will just write about whatever I am thinking about at that time. Maybe politics, maybe supernatural stuff, thoughts on a video game I’m playing. Just random things. That’s what I like to do to get things off my mind that I can’t talk about otherwise.

Anyway, thanks for reading. I thought everyone deserved an update on what has been going on. If you’d like to follow me online where I post fairly frequently, I’m still on Twitter @TweetedTanner. Because Twitter is turning into a dumpster fire, I am also on the site Counter Social (CoSo for short) @TannerG. CoSo has been a breath of fresh air when it comes to social media. Everyone there is legitimately super nice and helpful. I’ve engaged in a lot of meaningful conversations that did not devolve into arguing. I highly recommend you check it out. I caution you, because of the dumpster fire that is Twitter (or the bird site as CoSoNauts call it), the CoSo servers have been slammed and the site is laggy or crashing due to it. The creator, The Jester, is working hard at maintaining it. CoSo has been a really cool haven for me to go to when the bird site becomes too much. If you sign up, turn on Ostrich Mode. Trust me.

That’s all I have for now. I’ll be writing more in the future, I promise.

<3 -t

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