Hey all! First off, thank you for taking a look at Astral Eclipse so far, it really means a lot. I realized there may be a tad bit of confusion regarding the layout of the world. I’ve used Elshinat and Arynor almost interchangeably. A while ago during my D&D campaign that inspired this tale, I created this world map and have been using it to reference when I’m talking about these places. 

Effectively, Arynor is the world and Elshinat is the continent. The northern most continent on Arynor is called Dagushu with the emerald sea smack dab in the middle separating the two. There is a fog of war covering Dagushu for reasons  not yet revealed, so stay tuned 🙂 


The events in the prologue that led to the sundering is where the modern day emerald sea is, the cataclysmic event split the singular continent in two. Take a look at the map below. I will likely change many of these names going forward, but it gives you an idea of my vision for Lirael’s home.


I will hopefully be back tomorrow with another installment.


until then, in wanderlust,


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