Hello everyone! I hope you all had a wonderful holiday, and wonderful new year. Like many, I spent my new year reflecting on 2022 and what I’d like to achieve for 2023. 

Travel will be big for myself and my husband this year. We have a 3 week trip planned to Japan this year, and are super excited. It has always been a dream of both of ours to go, and this year that will be a reality. I plan on doing some sort of travel blog update with that when the time comes. Another thing I’ve always wanted to do!

Reflecting back on 2022, I had some health scares. That is not all in the past unfortunately, but slowly am getting more answers. Having these health scares has taught me to focus on myself and my family. Life is short, and I need to do things for myself. A renewed focus on overall health in general: mental, physical, emotional. No, not some cop-out “go to the gym” type resolution, but taking time for myself to journal, reflect, meditate, and unplug from my life on the internet. 

Overall I am doing okay. You can still find me on twitter @TweetedTanner. Also on Counter Social and Mastodon.

Cheers for now, and happy new year!

<3 -t

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